Christian, Marketplace Ministry, Faith, Kingdom Business The Podcast for Christians who want to pursue their calling but could use a little Hope. Pursue your calling by being led by the Spirit! - Have you heard God calling you but don’t know where to start ... or worse, you’ve tried and failed? - Do you feel like there has to be more to life but you don’t know how to dream again? - Do you feel stuck and hopeless? Hey, I’m John Balauat and I’ve been there. The Spirit-led journey is filled with peaks and valleys but if you don’t pursue it, you won’t experience the fulfillment God has for you. Also, the world won’t get to experience the gift that’s inside of you. In this podcast, we talk about things that: - help you to become Spirit-led and to hear God better - connect with your true God-given identity - and gain Wisdom that you can apply to your life I’m looking forward to be a voice that can encourage you to step into who you were ALWAYS meant to be! Put your headphones on, grab a hot coffee, and be ready to write down some notes because we’re gonna run towards that next level! Connect with me: Instagram - @kingdom.moves email - jjbalauat@gmail.com
Sunday Apr 16, 2023
Sunday Apr 16, 2023
- How important are your gifts and talents to the world?
- How can you hear God better for your calling?
- What are obstacles to hearing God?
I continue my conversation about the importance of hearing God with Valerie Ellis. She gives some practical tips on how to cultivate our hearts and ears so that we can be sensitive to God’s direction. Tune in and find out what she has to say!
If you want to connect with Valerie Ellis or Catch the Fire Orlando, you can do it here:
Instagram: @ctorlando
Facebook: www.facebook.com/valerie.ellis3
Valerie's Bio:
Valerie has been in the ministry most of her life, she taught her first Sunday school class in high school. She was excited to teach about creation…except when the students began to eat the worms she had made for the lesson!
She has been on staff at churches or heading up her own ministry for over 25 years. She is creative, a life learner, very tribal (loves relationships that last), and is a little quirky. Her passions as of now are teaching, visiting other nations, writing, and church planting.
Valerie's mentors are all revivalists and have pursued God's presence in their lives: Ruth Heflin Ward, John Paul Jackson, Steve and Saundra Long, and John and Patricia Bootsma.
Monday Apr 10, 2023
Monday Apr 10, 2023
- What is the difference between a Kingdom business person and a Christian business person?
- Can entrepreneurs hear from God?
- Does God care about your business?
- Do you feel a Godly calling to entrepreneurship and need direction?
- Are you already an entrepreneur but feel stuck?
In this episode of “Chasing the Kingdom” I talk with Valerie Ellis about these subjects. Valerie Ellis is an International speaker and has made it her goal to teach others how to hear God’s voice better for themselves so that they can grow closer to Him.
We live in a hurting world and it needs people who hear from God! Do you want to be one of those people? Then tune in!
I wanted to correct myself. I mentioned a scripture where God spoke from heaven and, although some heard Him, there were some who had mistaken His voice for thunder. The scripture is actually John 12:28-29:
Father, glorify Your name.” Then a voice came out of heaven: “I have both glorified it, and will glorify it again.” So the crowd of people who stood by and heard it were saying that it had thundered; others were saying, “An angel has spoken to Him.”
Also, the other scripture I mentioned is Job 33:14:
For God speaks again and again, though people do not recognize it.
If you want to connect with Valerie Ellis or Catch the Fire Orlando, you can do it here:
Instagram: @ctorlando
Facebook: www.facebook.com/valerie.ellis3
Valerie's Bio:
Valerie has been in the ministry most of her life, she taught her first Sunday school class in high school. She was excited to teach about creation…except when the students began to eat the worms she had made for the lesson!
She has been on staff at churches or heading up her own ministry for over 25 years. She is creative, a life learner, very tribal (loves relationships that last), and is a little quirky. Her passions as of now are teaching, visiting other nations, writing, and church planting.
Valerie's mentors are all revivalists and have pursued God's presence in their lives: Ruth Heflin Ward, John Paul Jackson, Steve and Saundra Long, and John and Patricia Bootsma.
Friday Apr 07, 2023
Chasing the Kingdom Trailer
Friday Apr 07, 2023
Friday Apr 07, 2023
Chasing the Kingdom podcast launching on April 10, 2023!